Cancer Prevention Tips

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month but did you realize all the pink products sold today actually contribute more to cancer? Statistics show that 50% of us will be diagnosed with cancer in our lifetime! So what you do today can either increase your changes of being diagnosed or decrease them. Watch as Shan breaks it down into simple preventive steps you can easily do to never hear the dreaded C word again.


“Unfortunately, what very few people understand is that our daily environment is loaded with a myriad of toxic agents that are high in estrogen. These include pesticides, plastics, polystyrene, laundry and dishwashing detergents, perfumes, deodorants, hair sprays, vinyl, nail polish, PCB’s and dioxins from the burning of fossil fuels. The continual and accumulated exposure to these chemicals over time has led to an alarming rate of estrogen-based diseases such as endometriosis, fibroids, fibrocystic breasts, heavy or painful periods, erratic menstrual cycles, infertility, menstrual migraine headaches and, ultimately, cancers of the reproductive organs including the ovaries, uterus, cervix and breasts.” Continue reading HERE


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